SFEA Articles

Think Globally, Represent Locally

Jul 6, 2021 | 0 comments

From female scientists to Black super heroes to Middle Eastern protagonists, we all need to see ourselves represented in the world around us. If we don’t, it can lead to feelings of isolation and loneliness in the persons not represented, and apathy and even sometimes animosity in the larger community.

But the need to see ourselves expressed doesn’t stop with our entertainment, which comprises only a small part of our experience of the world. We need to see ourselves represented, and embraced, in our daily lives as well, in the restaurants, art, and music around us.

We in the event industry have a great opportunity in front of us, a platform with which we can make sure our entire communities are present, embraced, and celebrated. Our communities are vibrant, diverse, multi-faceted. As event organizers, we can make sure that are our events are, too!

Whether you’re a girl who likes power tools or an Asian punk rocker, a housemom who’s an econ whiz or a business exec who likes gardening and sewing, you want to feel that you are not alone, and that your passions are valuable. And with just a little bit of digging, event planners can make sure to include them all. Study demographics, find those obscure artists, taste test new foods, and keep notes.

Then, instead of first come, first served, you can hold back a few food and artist vendor spots and actively seek minority-owned and niche businesses, musicians, and artists of color. You will not only make those people feel seen and embraced, but you can increase their visibility and encourage the rest of the community to experience a new and different culture.